Tag Archives: book

Don’t know a wiki from a blogel?

Screens and Pages will sort you out and give you lots of new teaching ideas.
I am running this very popular event again for Niace in Leicester on 6th October. It is a hands-on, 1 day course to

Screens and Pages - a book and an event

support my book – also called Screens and Pages- which looks at how blogging, wikis, Facebook and the web have changed the nature of reading.

So how can you use iphones, e-readers and the newer forms of digital fiction to support poor readers, reluctant readers and hose new to English? Come and find out!


Screens and Pages – new book is doing well!

Screens and Pages

George Cole‘How do you like your books – dead trees or digital?  Printed books are being challenged by a new generation of electronic books – e-books,’ so says George Cole, in his review of technology on MJ online (ebooks).

He includes some comments about my latest book Screens and Pages which looks at how technology is changing the face of reading for pleasure. I am pleased to report that Screens and Pages has been well received. Lars Helljesen Senior Adviser with Vox,  the National Institute for Adult Learning in Norway, said, ‘I found the chapters on the publishing revolution and digital fiction especially interesting, and use them as a sort of a “handbook” concerning social media and reading.’   What a very perceptive man he is!

Order a copy of Screens and Pages from http://shop.niace.org.uk/screens-and-pages.html